Get Involved
Would you be prepared to join in our community effort to make Tarring more resilient to the effects of surface water flooding? There are a number of ways that you can help make a difference – and enjoy yourself at the same time!
Volunteer your time
TFAG consists entirely of volunteers from across the Tarring community. Some of us take an active part in planning and organising our projects and activities. Most of us simply lend a hand as and when we can or take part in a particular activity that interest us. And some of us have agreed to be on-call and ready to help deal with an emergency should one arise.
Do you like gardening? Help us maintain our raingardens and raised beds.
Worried about blocked drains? Join our Adopt-a–Drain programme or take part in our occasional Litter Pick or Leaf Clearance mornings.
Are you IT savvy? Help us develop and manage our website, email and communication platforms.
Do you have a particular skill that you could put to good use on behalf of the community? Perhaps help us expand our horizons for the benefit of our community and our partners.
Or do you just want to put your hand up and say, “I’m in – how can I help?”
Partner with Us
Do you represent or are you a member of a like-minded group, club or association? Then partner with us! We would love to share ideas, resources, activities and knowledge in a spirit of mutual benefit.
Sponsor us
TFAG has been fortunate to receive grant funds from WSCC’s Operation Watershed and from Worthing Community Chest, as well as donations of funds, materials or services from private individuals and commercial organisations.
Not everyone is able to make time available to help in person, even though may wish to do so. If you, or your organisation, would like and are able to donate materials, services or help to meet our costs, please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.
You could sponsor us with a donation to help pay for our Public Liability Insurance and other back room costs. We are an independent group of residents not a large company. So any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you are interested and would like to find out more, just drop us an email. We would love to hear from you!!!