Be Prepared
Nature doesn’t give you much warning of flooding, and when it happens, it can happen FAST, so when we say Be Prepared, we really mean: Be Prepared – WELL IN ADVANCE!
Although flooding in Tarring is relatively rare, and when it does flood we do not experience some of the disastrous, life-changing events that other communities have suffered up and down the country, properties and businesses in the Conservation Area have suffered from flood damage in recent years.
One thing that we can be sure of: Climate Change will increase the risk and severity of flooding!
We would all benefit by carrying out (as much as we can) some basic – and not so basic - preparation to ensure that flood events leave ourselves, our properties and our neighbours unscathed.

What TFAG is doing
Develop and maintain a Community Resilience & Emergency Action Plan
Everything that TFAG does is driven by two principal goals: To help make Tarring more resilient to flooding; to be able to mobilise the TFAG team and TFAG volunteers to safely and effectively deal with any flood event that arises.
You can download a copy of our Community Resilience & Emergency Action Plan here

What you can do
Local Authorities do not routinely provide flood protection facilities or funding for private or commercial properties and it remains the responsibility of the property owner to take appropriate action to protect their property from flooding. Here are a number of actions that you can take to make sure that you are better prepared to deal with flood risk.