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Drain Update - August 2024

Following the TFAG team’s many discussions with the relevant authorities, we are pleased to see that the recent drain repairs in the vicinity of the South Street entrance to Tarring Manor have shown a significant reduction of the localised flooding in that area.  As with all of our drains, we need to continue to keep the grates clear of leaves and general debris to ensure that they flow freely - especially during periods of heavy rain.

TFAG operate a very successful Adopt a Drain scheme and encourage local residents to ensure that their immediate drains are kept clear to allow them to function effectively.

TFAG have also been working in concert with WSCC’s Highways department in identifying other problem drains in and around the Tarring/West Worthing area. As a result of this, WSCC have shortlisted a selection of these locations.  There is currently no budget for this work, but TFAG will be bidding for community funding via WSCC’s Operation Watershed. We are now inviting quotations from approved contractors to carry out the work involved. A list of the target locations is shown here: -


1                    Junction of Becket Rd/Pavilion Rd/Lanfranc Rd

2                    Deleted

3                    Junction of South St/Guildford Rd

4                    Parkfield Court

5                    Junction of South St/Ethelwulf Rd

6                    Junction of South St/Parkfield Rd

7                    Junction of Church Rd/Vestry place

8                    Junction of Church Rd/Glebe Rd/High Street

9                    Junction of Rectory R/Highdown Ave

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